Roundtrip Referral Program: How to Earn a Lot of Loyalty Points When Booking

Roundtrip Referral Program: How to Earn a Lot of Loyalty Points When Booking

Do you know any company that sends their staff on business trips? Or maybe you’re friends with the business travelers themselves? Bring them to Roundtrip and build up your loyalty points!

Roundtrip Blog
2 minutes read

Who can participate

Any Roundtrip user who has paid for at least one order, e.g. a hotel, flight or transfer booking, can join our referral program. Once this condition is met, you will get access to your personal referral link with an invitation!

How it works

  • Share your personal referral link with those who could benefit from the Roundtrip service, such as business partners, contractors, clients, friends, etc.
  • Get 150 loyalty points after your referral has made three hotel check-outs.
  • Use the loyalty points to pay for hotel reservations around the world! The rate is totally stable and attractive: 1 point = €1.

Who you can invite

Business partners, contractors, clients and friends whose work requires going on business trips or organizing such trips. 

Points are credited only for bookings made by new Roundtrip users.

How many loyalty points you can get

You will get 150 loyalty points for every referral that signs up and makes three hotel check-outs. These points will be credited to your account within a few days after the last checkout. Please note: make sure that the company the referral works for has not used our services before.

You can invite any number of people, which means that you can earn an unlimited number of points!

What your referral gets

The person gets 150 loyalty points immediately after signing up with Roundtrip using your referral link. They can also redeem the points immediately — when making their first booking. That’s cool, isn’t it? 

Checking who has already followed your referral link

In the Referral program section, you can check at any time who among your referrals has already signed up using your referral link and see their booking status.

We at Roundtrip are ready to arrange flawless trips for millions of travelers. Invite friends and colleagues, earn points and book the best deals possible!

Get points!

Tags: referral program
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