Filtering by price, rating and location
In order to get search results in a useful order, choose a filtering option: by price (low to high or high to low), guests’ rating (high to low), or by distance from the city center, with the closest to the city center first.
Filtering is highly appropriate when you are unsure what to go for when making a selection and wants to simplify the process and be guided by one of those parameters. Filtering will also make it easier when combined with other parameters — for example, with a certain meal type or whether the hotel provides specific services or amenities.
Property type
This filter allows you to select in what type of accommodation you want to stay: options include hotels, apartments and villas.
We scan all the offers to provide you the best rates ever.
Hotel chain
We all have our preferences: in food, books, types of vacation, hotels. We have a filter, which will help you find hotels of a particular chain in any city, speeding up your search for suitable accommodation.
You can find the “Hotel chain” filter on the left, just underneath the “Landmarks” filter. The list of available chains may vary depending on region and priority. To see hotels of one or several specific chains in your search results, just check the box.
Star rating, price for a night and location
If you have a specific budget for their trip and haven’t had travel policy function yet, this setting may serve to filter out straight away options whose cost is beyond the budget. And in combination with the star rating, this will help to reduce the selection significantly.
Sometimes there is no need to stay in the city center, so we have added a filter for location, allowing you to offer the neighborhood in which they are most comfortable: near business centers, conference rooms, specific hotels or restaurants, etc.

If your you are looking for a hotel with a specific meal plan, you can choose this in the respective filter: maybe you want bed and breakfast, half-board (breakfast and dinner), full-board or all-inclusive.
This filter is particularly useful if you are more comfortable staying in the hotel than heading to town.
Entry rules
For your convenience we have added a box containing the entry rules for the selected country to the search results page. This will enable you to see the latest rules.
Payment and booking
Here you can choose the booking payment option to pay at check-in and whether you can cancel for free.
Quick reminder: Roundtrip allows you to choose the payment method that suits your company’s financial regulations best: by invoice, by credit card, by payment link, or on the spot when checking in.
Free cancelation gives you more room to maneuver and allows you to cancel bookings without paying a penalty up until a specific date.
Facilities and services, type of bed
This block of filters allows you to select all services that are particularly important. For example, car parking or a conference room if business meetings or negotiations are planned.
In the room facilities section you can choose whether you need a free internet, a fitness center, a swimming pool to relax after a busy working day. Also you can use a separate filter to select a specific bed type.

Roundtrip offers a wide choice of filters on the search results page, so you can take your employees’ requests into consideration and choose the coolest and most comfortable options with great rates. If you have not yet signed up to Roundtrip remember that you can do this for free, through a simple registration process.
If you have any questions about using the filters, please contact your account manager. He/she will do everything possible so you’ll be able to appreciate the value of one of Roundtrip’s important functions – quick hotel selection based on any parameters.