How to Keep Everything Under Control: A Convenient Expense Report Is at Your Service

How to Keep Everything Under Control: A Convenient Expense Report Is at Your Service

Roundtrip is not only about comfortable trips, but also about convenient and transparent reporting. Thanks to the new expense report, you will be able to control all your expenses on trips and services using filters and then examine the analysis. We’ll tell you and show you how everything looks in action. 

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Advantages of the new expense report

  • All services that were ordered (for example, hotels, flights, and transfers) are uploaded into one file, but in different tabs so they don’t get mixed up.
  • A convenient filter according to payment date so that you can evaluate the expenses in a specific day, week, or month.
  • Tab with analysis showing the total amount of expenses and also an expense breakdown for each service.
  • Booking window data makes it possible to check how many days before the business trip the hotel or other services were paid for.

How to upload the expense report

  • Go to the “Reporting” section in your “Online Account”.
  • Open the “Expense report” tab.
  • Indicate the dates that you need a report for. 
  • Click “Upload to Excel”.

If you have any questions about uploading reports or comments about how the service works, you can contact your account manager anytime.

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