8 Ways to Stay on a Healthy Diet While Traveling for Business

8 Ways to Stay on a Healthy Diet While Traveling for Business

When you are on the move during a business trip, it can be challenging to maintain healthy eating habits and a balanced lifestyle. However, with an ounce of determination, proper planning, and a few simple strategies, you can stay on track with your health goals while on the go. 

Let’s explore some practical tips for eating mindfully and staying active during business trips. From planning your meals ahead to making smart substitutions and staying hydrated, these tips will help you feel your best and perform at your optimal peak while traveling for work.

Roundtrip Blog
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1. Plan your meals ahead

The first step is to plan ahead when trying to eat more mindfully while on a business trip. This might look like researching restaurants with nutritious options near your accommodations and meeting locations, helping you save time and make better, healthier food choices. 

2. Pack snacks

When you find yourself with a grumbling stomach in the middle of the airport, avoid going straight to the vending machines. While they may serve as convenient, these snacks are often high in calories, sodium, and sugar. These ingredients leave you feeling sluggish and bloated. Instead, try packing your own snacks. This can save you money and give you more control over what you eat. Some healthy options to consider packing are nuts, seeds, and dried fruits.

Each choice is high in protein and fiber, which will keep you feeling full longer than a donut would. Granola bars can also be convenient and provide you with the much-needed energy you need to get you through the workday. However, when it comes to pre-packaged granola bars, you should always check the label for added sugars and artificial ingredients.

The first step is to plan ahead when trying to eat more mindfully while on a business trip.
Photo: RossHelen/ Shutterstock.com

 These ingredients can often lead to an energy burst at first, resulting in a heavy crash later on in the day. 

3. Stay hydrated

We get it; being busy and traveling for business can often cause us to neglect our personal needs. However, it’s crucial that you take care of yourself. Not only will you feel physically better, but you will also feel sharper and more focused for work. Keeping yourself hydrated is absolutely essential to ensure you perform at your best while traveling for business.

You should carry a sturdy, refillable water bottle and prioritize drinking plenty of water throughout the day to stay alert and fresh.

You should also try to avoid sugary drinks. Instead, if you are looking for a flavorful substitute, consider flavored water, herbal tea, or sparkling fruit water. Keep in mind that excessive caffeine and alcohol consumption not only dehydrates you but also ruins your sleep cycle. This can drastically impact your day-to-day functioning—so limiting your intake of these beverages while on the go is best.

You should carry a sturdy, refillable water bottle, perhaps even a thermos for temperature control, and prioritize drinking plenty of water throughout the day to stay alert and fresh, while steering clear of sugary drinks.
Photo: Monkey Business Images / Shutterstock.com

4. Eat a balanced breakfast

Everyone knows that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It not only sets the stage for your whole day but also helps you maintain healthy eating habits.

A balanced breakfast can help you stay focused and motivated during meetings.

However, if skipping breakfast is a habit of yours, it will likely lead to fatigue, lack of concentration, and low energy levels, which can negatively impact your performance in critical meetings. Balanced doesn’t have to mean boring, though. Instead, you can choose from a range of delicious yet nutritious options such as oatmeal with nuts and fruit, Greek yogurt with honey and granola, or whole-grain toast with avocado and eggs. These breakfast choices provide a perfect mix of carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats that help to fuel your body and keep you feeling satisfied until your next meal. 

Start your day right with a nutritious breakfast of whole-grain toast topped with creamy avocado and perfectly cooked eggs for a balance of fiber, healthy fats, and protein.
Photo: OlgaBombologna/ Shutterstock.com

5. Limit alcohol consumption

Business trips offer a unique opportunity to blend work and networking opportunities, often accompanied by social events where alcohol flows freely. While it’s common to enjoy a drink or two, excessive alcohol consumption can impede professional performance and personal well-being. The first step in managing alcohol consumption on business trips is to establish personal guidelines for drinking.

Determine the maximum number of drinks per day that you are comfortable with and stick to it.

Setting clear boundaries will help you stay in control and avoid excessive alcohol consumption. At social events, you can still participate in socializing without consuming alcohol. Opt for non-alcoholic alternatives such as soda, juice, or mocktails. This way, you can still be part of the conversation without feeling left out or pressured to drink.

Shift the focus from drinking to building professional relationships. Engage in meaningful conversations, active listening, and follow-up discussions to make the most of your networking opportunities. Remember, the goal of business trips is to build connections and enhance your professional development, not to drink excessively. 

Opt for non-alcoholic alternatives such as soda, juice, or mocktails. This way, you can still be part of the conversation without feeling left out or pressured to drink.
Photo: prostooleh / freepik.com.

6. Make mindful choices when eating out

When you go out for a meal, it’s always a good idea to choose healthy options. Instead of going for fatty or fried dishes, try to go for lean protein sources like grilled chicken or fish, and pair it with lots of veggies and salads.

It’s also important to be aware of portion sizes and avoid dishes that are loaded with cream or fried. 

While the dishes listed above may be what you want, they are not what you need. In order to operate at your optimal peak, you need to fuel your body with healthy food. 

If you’re not sure about what’s in your food, don’t hesitate to ask your server for more information or request changes to suit your dietary preferences.

When you go out for a meal, it’s always a good idea to choose healthy options. Instead of going for fatty or fried dishes, try to go for lean protein sources like grilled chicken or fish, and pair it with lots of veggies and salads.
Photo:  Viktoriia Hnatiuk/ Shutterstock.com

7. Make smart substitutions

It’s totally okay to indulge in some less healthy food options every once in a while, like a juicy burger or a slice of pizza.

But if you’re looking to make smarter substitutions, try swapping out the less healthy sides like fries for a healthier option like broccoli or carrots.

Some other options include choosing a leaner cut of meat, opting for a wheat bun, or skipping the soda and sticking to water. 

By practicing this, you can get your fiber, vitamins, and other nutrients in while still thoroughly enjoying your meal. Remember, small changes can greatly impact your overall health and well-being; plus, they contribute to building healthy habits. 

Savor the fusion of flavors in this avocado burger with salted salmon and fresh vegetables, sprinkled with sesame seeds and microgreens.
Photo: Dina Photo Stories / Shutterstock.com

8. Remember to stay active

It’s important to keep your body active during business trips to counteract the long periods of sitting. You can incorporate physical activity into your itinerary by taking walking meetings whenever possible, using hotel gyms or fitness centers, and exploring the city on foot during your free time. 

You don’t have to go overboard; business trips are draining on their own! Even a short or quick workout can boost your mood and energy levels.

This can result in increased alertness and productivity throughout your trip, making it easier for you to stay focused and accomplish your goals. Remember, a healthy body leads to a healthy mind, so make sure to prioritize your physical well-being during your travels.

Remember, a healthy body leads to a healthy mind, so make sure to prioritize your physical well-being during your travels.
Photo: UfaBizPhoto / Shutterstock.com

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With Roundtrip’s advanced booking technology and expert travel assistance, you can rest assured that all your travel needs will be taken care of.

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So, why stress over travel arrangements when you can leave it to the experts? Contact Roundtrip today to learn more about our unparalleled travel solutions, and take the first step in achieving your business goals.

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